I try using Django Rest Framework together with VueJS and axion.
But always I get the MSG:
CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing.
But my Header in the frontend looks correct. And in the developer tools the cockie is correct loading into the header.
{"Accept": "application/json, text/plain, /","Content-Type": "application/json","X-CSRFToken": "*******"}
my csrf settings in django settings.py
CSRF_COOKIE_NAME = "csrftoken"
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGIN = ['http://.', 'http://.localhost']
I have no problems with the get requests. Only than it come to POST, PUT, DELETE.
Thank you for your advice.
With regards
Philipp Homberger
I try:
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGIN = ['http://*.', 'http://localhost']
as well.
My Dev deployment build with 3 docker images. 1 Nginx as reversproxy to get both on the same port. 1 Container with Bakcend (Django) 1 Container with VueJs Frontend.
What were you expecting?
I expecting that I can do Post Requests as well without disable CSRF.
Than I use the swagger frontend of my restapi all work fine as well.
there was a cache problem in my Browser or so. So the HTTP Only Attribute was still set to true. Because of this my Java Script client could not use the Csrf toke.