I am trying to implement Culqi, Peru's payment gateway in my Vue 3 application according to its documentation (in Spanish).
I have created a very simple component for my tests:
<script setup>
import { onBeforeMount } from 'vue';
onBeforeMount(() => {
console.log("before mount");
let culqi_script = document.createElement('script');
culqi_script.setAttribute('src', "https://checkout.culqi.com/js/v4");
function openCulqi(e) {
Culqi.publicKey = "pk_test_L7C8H665X8yqvF4P";
title: 'Prueba',
currency: 'USD',
amount: 100,
function culqi() {
if (Culqi.token) {
const token = Culqi.token.id;
console.log("Se ha creado un Token: ", token);
} else if (Culqi.order) {
const order = Culqi.order;
console.log("Se ha creado el objeto Order: ", order);
} else {
console.log("Error : ", Culqi.error);
<button @click="openCulqi">Pagar</button>
When the button is clicked the payment gateway modal opens.
You can use the following test card to simulate a payment
Card number: 4111 1111 1111 1111 Expiration date: 09/25 CVV: 123
The payment gateway should return a token to the culqi function, but I get the following error
Vue 3 Uncaught ReferenceError: culqi is not defined
I have tried placing the culqi function inside script tags directly in my index.html document and it works fine without problems. However, I need it inside my component to process the payment.
I get the impression that the culqi function is not available globally so it seems that it is not defined.
What can I do?
As Jaromanda X suggested in his comment, you can make the function global by declaring it as window.culqi = function.
Additionally, I had to add a method to close the modal. This functionality that should happen automatically is also broken since the Culqi object is not global either.
The final code looked like this:
<script setup>
import { onBeforeMount } from 'vue';
onBeforeMount(() => {
console.log("before mount");
let culqi_script = document.createElement("script");
culqi_script.setAttribute("src", "https://checkout.culqi.com/js/v4");
function openCulqi(e) {
Culqi.publicKey = "pk_test_L7C8H665X8yqvF4P";
title: 'Prueba',
currency: 'USD',
amount: 100,
window.culqi = function () {
console.log("culqi function");
if (Culqi.token) {
// ¡Objeto Token creado exitosamente!
const token = Culqi.token.id;
console.log("Se ha creado un Token: ", token);
//En esta linea de codigo debemos enviar el "Culqi.token.id"
//hacia tu servidor con Ajax
} else if (Culqi.order) {
// ¡Objeto Order creado exitosamente!
const order = Culqi.order;
console.log("Se ha creado el objeto Order: ", order);
} else {
// Mostramos JSON de objeto error en consola
console.log("Error : ", Culqi.error);
<!-- <p>Token= {{ culqiToken }}</p> -->
<button @click="openCulqi">Pagar</button>