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Branchless calculation for multiplying by the complement of a fraction with a flag

I'm writing a program that is doing some geometric calculations and I have a certain calculation where I need to multiply either by a fraction a or by 1-a given the value of a certain flag. Here's some pseudocode to help illustrate.

switch b
    case 0:
        return w*a
    case 1:
        return w*(1-a)

(In context this isn't an entire function, it's just done inlined obviously, but this is the only context required for the question)

I'm curious if there is a way to calculate this value using the value of the flag b with basic arithmetic operations etc for a branchless approach. The best I've come up with so far is !b*w*a + b*w*(1-a), but that feels like a cop-out lol.

My next best approach was w*abs(a-b), but this would require an abs function that also meets the specification.

This isn't very performance critical and even if it was I'm sure my 'cop-out' would suffice, but I'm asking more as a curiosity :)


  • Assuming flag b is always equal to exactly 0 or 1, and cannot be equal to other values:

    return w * (b * a + (1 - b) * (1 - a))

    Only one of b and 1-b will be nonzero, so only one of the terms in the sum will be nonzero.

    To force b to be equal to 0 or 1, you can use double negation !!:

    b = !!b
    return w * (b * a + (1 - b) * (1 - a))

    Or write b == 0 and b != 0 explicitly:

    return w * ((b != 0) * a + (b == 0) * (1 - a))

    For discussion about whether b = !!b is preferable to alternatives b = b?1:0 or b = b != 0, see this answer and its comments.