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Fluent way (builder style) of creating a Mockito mock with method stubs

One of ways to create a Mockito mock in Java is to

  1. create the mock
  2. stubb the methods.

For instance like this:

// this code is just a imaginary proposal 
private Properties emptyProperties()  {
    Properties myMock = mock(Properties.class); // 1
    when(myMock.isEmpty()).thenReturn(true);    // 2
    when(myMock.size()).thenReturn(0);          // 2
    return myMock;

I would like to create this mock in a fluent way like this:

private Properties emptyProperties()  {
    return buildMock(Properties.class) // 1
      .when(myMock.isEmpty()).thenReturn(true)    // 2
      .when(myMock.size()).thenReturn(0)          // 2

Is there any mechanism in Mockito itself which allows to construct mocks like that? Or any other framework which could facilitate this way of construction?

EDIT: Motivation with bigger example.

Answering the comments, my motivation is to create a nested mocks in a fluent way. For instance instead of code:

        Questions.QuestionItem item = mock(Questions.QuestionItem.class);
        Questions questions = mock(Questions.class);

        QuestionController controller = mock(QuestionController.class);

I would like to create something like:

        QuestionController controller = mock(QuestionController.class)

One of the motivation is to avoid creating local variables, especially where there are more nesting levels and more methods to mock.


After using implementation of @knittl the code looks like what I am looking for:

QuestionController demoMock = FluentMock.mock(QuestionController.class)

I just wonder if there is any library which supports this kind of FluentMock out of the box?


  • I don't think there's a benefit in avoiding a single line (you are not really saving lines anyway), but if you must do it, the following could be one way to do it. It is a thin wrapper around a Mockito mock object that allows applying a configuration to the mock object, then returns itself.

    public class FluentMock<M> {
        private final M mock;
        private FluentMock(final M mock) {
            this.mock = mock;
        public static <M> FluentMock<M> mock(final Class<M> cls) {
            return new FluentMock<>(Mockito.mock(cls));
        public FluentMock<M> stub(final Consumer<? super M> stubber) {
            return this;
        public M returnMock() {
            return mock;


    void fluent_expression() {
        final DemoClass demoMock = FluentMock.mock(DemoClass.class)
                .stub(mock -> when(mock.getName()).thenReturn("skynet"))
                .stub(mock -> when(mock.getAge()).thenReturn(666))
    void fluent_statement() {
        final DemoClass demoMock = FluentMock.mock(DemoClass.class)
                .stub(mock -> {

    Not sure if that's what you were hoping for.

    Alternatively, go full overboard and add all methods (that you need) from OngoingStubbing:

    public class FluentMock<M> {
        private final M mock;
        private FluentMock(final M mock) {
            this.mock = mock;
        public static <M> FluentMock<M> mock(final Class<M> cls) {
            return new FluentMock<>(Mockito.mock(cls));
        public FluentMock<M> stub(final Consumer<? super M> stubber) {
            return this;
        public <T> FluentStubber<T> when(final Function<? super M, T> call) {
            return new FluentStubber<>(call);
        public M returnMock() {
            return mock;
        public final class FluentStubber<T> {
            private final Function<? super M, T> call;
            private FluentStubber(final Function<? super M, T> call) {
       = call;
            public FluentMock<M> thenReturn(final T value) {
                return FluentMock.this;

    Usage would then look like this:

    void fluent_stubbing() {
        final DemoClass demoMock = FluentMock.mock(DemoClass.class)

    Caveat: this doesn't allow you to add multiple stubbings to a single method, so you cannot do when(DemoClass::getName).thenReturn("skynet").thenReturn("T-800") with this kind of fluent builder (you'd have to go the stub(mock -> ...) route or just use plain Mockito)