How exactly do you create a test for a void extension method? I'm using XUnit.
I have a extension method that throws an exception if something is true.
public static void IsClosed(this List<Contract> contracts)
if (contracts.Any(x => x.Status == Status.Closed) throw new IsClosedException();
In the test I cannot ceate for example :
var sut = contracts.IsClosed();
Do I need to mock a list of contracts?
var contracts = Mock<List<Contract>>());
But what then?
void ShouldThrowIsClosedException()
// Just create a list that you expect to trigger the Exception ...
List<Contract> contracts = new() { new() {Status == Status.Closed}};
should do the trick.
As remarked by Jon Skeet: A complementary test should be added, too. (I.e. where the exception is not thrown.)
If you want to get really fancy, you can also test different lists:
void ShouldThrowIsClosedException(List<Contract> contracts)
// ...
public class ShouldThrowIsClosedExceptionTestData
: TheroyData<List<Contract>>
public ShouldThrowIsClosedExceptionTestData()
// Single entry
Add (new List<Contract>() { new() {Status == Status.Closed}});
// Multiple entries
Add (new List<Contract>() { new() {Status == Status.Closed}, new() {Status == Status.Closed}});
// Mixed entries
Add (new List<Contract>() { new() {Status == Status.Closed}, new() {Status == Status.Open}});
Add (new List<Contract>() { new() {Status == Status.Open}, new() {Status == Status.Closed}});