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Run Hangfire job on MachineName queue

I will use Hangfire in loadbalanced environment with single database. I need a job to be run on each of the server instances.

I tried to create a job with QueueAttribute, to which I would assign Environment.MachineName value.

The issue is that I need to pass constant values in attributes, which Environment.MachineName isn't.

How to configure Hangfire to run a job on all server instances independetly?


  • For every server that hangfire creates it uses machine name as default name of the server itself. But you can manipulate the name of queue when creating the server , for instance :

     services.AddHangfireServer(a =>
         a.WorkerCount = 10,
         a.Queues = new[] { "default", Environment.MachineName };

    This way every server would have unique queue for your needs. After that you can enqueue your job like this :

    IBackgroundJobClient client = new BackgroundJobClient();
    IState state = new EnqueuedState
        Queue = Environment.MachineName
    client.Create(() => Console.WriteLine(), state);

    NOTE: I haven't tested this - this is basic idea.