I have a list of todos and I have tag property associated with them. On the views, I have a "Sort By Tag" button. When I press that button, I want the collection to be sorted by tag. Nothing is happening now. Below is the code. What's wrong?
In todos.js I have:
Todos.SortingView = SC.TemplateView.extend({
sortBinding: 'Todos.todoListController.sortTodos'
and in todoListController, I have:
sortTodos: function() {
and in the handlebars view I have:
{{#view Todos.SortingView id="stats"}}
{{#view SC.Button classBinding="isActive" target="Todos.todoListController" action="sortTodos"}}
Sort By Tag
{{#collection SC.TemplateCollectionView contentBinding="Todos.todoListController" itemClassBinding="content.isDone"}}
{{view Todos.MarkDoneView}} - Tag - {{content.tag}}
sortTodos: function() {
should be:
sortTodos: function() {
this.set('orderBy', 'tag');
Now if you add items, you must use addObject
and use arrangedObjects
not just content
createTodo: function(title) {
// var todo = Todos.Todo.create({ title: title });
var todoExists = this.findProperty('title', title).length > 0;
if (!todoExist) {
Todos.store.createRecord(Todos.Todo, { title: title });
// this.pushObject(todo);