I have array of length n, from which I build such sequence b that:
b[0] = 0
b[1] = b[0] + a[0]
b[2] = b[1] + a[0]
b[3] = b[2] + a[1]
b[4] = b[3] + a[0]
b[5] = b[4] + a[1]
b[6] = b[5] + a[2]
b[7] = b[6] + a[0]
b[8] = b[7] + a[1]
b[9] = b[8] + a[2]
b[10] = b[9] + a[3]
a can contain non-positive values. I need to find max element of b. I only came up with O(n^2) solution. Is there faster approach?
def find_max(a):
b = [0]
i = 0
count = 0
while i < len(a):
j = 0
while j <= i:
b.append(b[count] + a[j])
count += 1
j += 1
i += 1
return max(b)
O(n) time and O(1) space.
Consider this (outer loop) round:
b[4] = b[3] + a[0] = b[3] + a[0]
b[5] = b[4] + a[1] = b[3] + a[0] + a[1]
b[6] = b[5] + a[2] = b[3] + a[0] + a[1] + a[2]
You don't need all of these. It's enough to know:
b[3] + max(prefix sums of a[:3])
.b[6] = b[3] + sum(a[:3])
. Because you need that for the next round.In general, to find the maximum of each round, it's enough to know:
value which the round starts with.a[:...]
.Add them together to know the max b
-value in the round. And return the maximum of these rounds maximums.
We can update these values in O(1) time for each round:
def find_max_linear(a):
b = max_b = 0
sum_a = max_sum_a = 0
for x in a:
sum_a += x
max_sum_a = max(max_sum_a, sum_a)
max_b = max(max_b, b + max_sum_a)
b += sum_a
return max_b
import random
for _ in range(10):
a = random.choices(range(-100, 101), k=100)
expect = find_max(a)
result = find_max_linear(a)
print(result == expect, expect, result)
Output (Attempt This Online!):
True 8277 8277
True 2285 2285
True 5061 5061
True 19261 19261
True 0 0
True 0 0
True 47045 47045
True 531 531
True 703 703
True 24073 24073
Fun oneliner (also O(n) time, but O(n) space due to the unpacking):
from itertools import accumulate as acc
from operator import add
def find_max_linear(a):
return max(0, *map(add, acc(acc(a), initial=0), acc(acc(a), max)))
Or broken into a few lines with comments:
def find_max_linear(a):
return max(0, *map(
acc(acc(a), initial=0), # each round's initial b-value
acc(acc(a), max) # each round's max prefix sum of a[:...]