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Powershell script to mask the passwords in config file

I have a config text file that contains several passwords. I wrote a PowerShell script to replace the passwords with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. But it does not seem to be doing anything. Can someone please explain to me what I did wrong? The regex expression works when I use it in notepad++.


(Get-Content test-config.xml) `
    -replace '"(?-s)<bind-password>(.*?)<//bind-password>"', '<bind-password>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</bind-password>' `
    -replace '"(?-s)<secret>(.*?)<//secret>"', '<secret>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</secret>' |
  Out-File test-config-cleaned.xml

a sample config would have this

            <entry name="radius-1">


The output file should have been like this

            <entry name="radius-1">



  • Use XmlDocument instead of regex:

    $path = Convert-Path .\test-config.xml
    $xml = [xml]::new()
    $xml.GetElementsByTagName('secret') | ForEach-Object {
        $_.InnerText = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    $xml.GetElementsByTagName('bind-password') | ForEach-Object {
        $_.InnerText = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'