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R - calculate proportions across columns with common prefix

I have a dataframe with 37 columns in it, with a representative sample, df below

 df <- structure(list(irm = 201201:201202, trans11 = c(379L, 433L), 
    trans12 = 4:3, trans13 = 5:4, trans14 = c(13L, 3L), trans15 = c(29L, 
    21L), trans16 = c(0L, 0L), trans21 = c(6L, 4L), trans22 = 2:1, 
    trans23 = c(0L, 0L), trans24 = 0:1, trans25 = c(0L, 0L), 
    trans26 = c(0L, 0L), trans31 = c(2L, 2L), trans32 = c(0L, 
    0L), trans33 = 5:6, trans34 = c(0L, 0L), trans35 = c(7L, 
    2L), trans36 = c(0L, 0L), trans41 = c(4L, 10L), trans42 = c(0L, 
    0L), trans43 = c(0L, 0L), trans44 = c(4L, 10L), trans45 = c(3L, 
    1L), trans46 = c(0L, 0L), trans51 = c(15L, 18L), trans52 = c(0L, 
    0L), trans53 = c(1L, 1L), trans54 = c(4L, 0L), trans55 = c(96L, 
    115L), trans56 = c(0L, 0L), trans61 = c(0L, 0L), trans62 = c(0L, 
    0L), trans63 = c(0L, 0L), trans64 = c(0L, 0L), trans65 = c(0L, 
    0L), trans66 = c(0L, 0L)), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("data.table", 

The dataframe has 37 columns: trans11...trans16...trans61...trans66 plus the irm column for month.

What I would like to do is the following:

  1. for each row/column entry in trans11 all the way through trans66, calculate the proportion of the entry relative to the sum of all other columns with the same prefix (e.g. trans1). So for the example here, the first row in entries 2 through 7 would be: (0.8813953, 0.009302326, 0.01162791, 0.03023256, 0.06744186, 0) for columns 2 through 7 (since we need to sum trans11....trans16)

  2. How would I do this for all 36 columns in the larger df?

Is there a way to do this with group_by and starts_with from dplyr? I know a for loop is probably possible but any and all suggestions are welcome.


Updated example with larger dataframe example


  • in base R use prop.table/propotions:

    cbind(df, prop = prop.table(as.matrix(df[-1]), 1))
          irm trans11 trans12 trans13 trans14 trans15 trans16 prop.trans11 prop.trans12 prop.trans13 prop.trans14 prop.trans15 prop.trans16
    1  201201     379       4       5      13      29       0    0.8813953  0.009302326  0.011627907  0.030232558   0.06744186            0
    2  201202     433       3       4       3      21       0    0.9331897  0.006465517  0.008620690  0.006465517   0.04525862            0
    3  201203     468       2       9       9      19       0    0.9230769  0.003944773  0.017751479  0.017751479   0.03747535            0
    4  201204     514       3       9       8      15       0    0.9362477  0.005464481  0.016393443  0.014571949   0.02732240            0
    5  201205     559      11       8       6      12       0    0.9379195  0.018456376  0.013422819  0.010067114   0.02013423            0
    6  201206     566       5       9       6      16       0    0.9401993  0.008305648  0.014950166  0.009966777   0.02657807            0
    7  201207     577       3      13       4      21       0    0.9336570  0.004854369  0.021035599  0.006472492   0.03398058            0
    8  201208     622       7      14      10      15       0    0.9311377  0.010479042  0.020958084  0.014970060   0.02245509            0
    9  201209     665       4      12       3      11       0    0.9568345  0.005755396  0.017266187  0.004316547   0.01582734            0
    10 201210     692       4      11       7      15       0    0.9492455  0.005486968  0.015089163  0.009602195   0.02057613            0
    11 201211     738       6       5       5       9       0    0.9672346  0.007863696  0.006553080  0.006553080   0.01179554            0
    12 201212     830       8       8       4      11       0    0.9639954  0.009291521  0.009291521  0.004645761   0.01277584            0

    If you need to select using trans name:

    cbind(df, prop = prop.table(as.matrix(df[startsWith(names(df), 'trans')]), 1))


    With the edit of the data, use:

    df %>%
      pivot_longer(starts_with('trans'), names_to = c('tr', 'grp'), 
                     names_pattern = '(.*)(.)') %>%
      mutate(value = value/sum(value), .by = c(irm, tr)) %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = c(tr, grp), names_sep = '', names_prefix = 'prop_')