I have an FormControl that's declared as an Array of a specific type and I need to populate it with another array of the same type but, I can't figure out how to do so. Here's my code:
profileData = new FormGroup({
// Some Form Controls here...
selectedInterests: new FormControl([], Validators.required)
public cookieService: CookieService,
public router: Router,
private profileService: ProfileService,
private snackBar: MatSnackBar,
private translateService: TranslateService
) {
private loadUserProfile() {
this.profileService.loadProfile(this.cookieService.get('UserId')).then(loadedProfile => {
this.profile = loadedProfile;
// Data loads here...
// This line gives the error:
// Argument of type 'Interest[]' is not assignable to parameter of type
// 'never[]'.
// Type 'Interest' is not assignable to type 'never'.
I selected only the parts that are important for the question, I can add more info if needed.
<mat-label>{{ 'INTEREST.INTEREST' | translate }}</mat-label>
<mat-select formControlName="selectedInterests" multiple>
<mat-option *ngFor="let interest of interests" [value]="interest">
<!-- {{ interest | translate }} -->
{{ interest.name }}
<mat-error *ngIf="profileData.controls.selectedInterest.hasError('required')">
{{ 'PROFILE.VALID.INTEREST' | translate }}
PS: I'm using Angular 16
My comment in an answer
selectedInterests: new FormControl<Interest[]>([], Validators.required)
We can check the docs about typed Forms
Another way is use some "bizarro" like
selectedInterests: new FormControl<any>([], Validators.required)
but we loose the capacity of typescript check ours errors