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Getting this error even though Everything is alright in Environment Variables

Edited Environment Variables, and reinstalled node.js many times, Is there any NPM Problem?

even the Environment variables' path is perfect...


  • 1 Try removing cache and then install

    npm cache clean --force
    npm i
    npm i appium

    2 try this

    npm uninstall -g appium
    npm i -g appium

    3 try to remove the mentioned directory and then install

    rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\AAV\node_modules\@appium\base-driver\build\lib\basedriver\commands"
    npm i
    npm i appium

    If still error is not solved copy the error given and paste it here. Moreover you can share logs from this path C:\Users\AAV\AppData\Local\npm-cach&logs\2024-02-07T10_04_18_023Z-debug-0.1og