I am extremely new to yocto and struggling with some of the basic concepts. I currently have a build running in QEMU, but it is missing some things that I want.
I have found a binary I want (suppose, bc
) at https://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/recipe/96/. Its part of the openembedded-core layer. So do I need the whole layer or can I just steal the .bb recipe? It seems like a lot to clone all of the openembedded-core layer just to get a single utility from it.
If I do need the whole layer, would the next steps be:
source oe...
bitbake ...
So in the case of openembedded-core, It was already in my image, so I dont need to clone it again. However for a completely new layer it seems you do have to clone the whole thing.
The steps I described were generally correct.