I am building a .NET MAUI Android and iOS application and I implemented page in which I pick employees from the picker component, I also implemented clearing of the picker selection in OnDisappearing method.
This is the code-behind:
public partial class APAchievedBenefits
protected override void OnDisappearing()
The issue occures when i try to navigate-back on my back button from the page. I need to do it twice when no-element is selected, but in case one element is selected then it works properly.
I managed to resolve this by providing an additional if statement that will check if my current page is not-present in the navigation stack.
This will always be true since we're in the OnDissapearing method, and by doing that we're only clearing our elements from picker upon navigating-back from our page.
Here is the code modification:
protected override void OnDisappearing()
if (!Navigation.NavigationStack.Contains(this))