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flutter InAppWebView: how to show local html fine on IOS

I am trying to use InAppWebView on my Flutter project. I created a plugin and I want to use InAppWebView inside my plugin actually.

this is my page:

class _FormIosState extends State<FormIos> {
  final GlobalKey webViewKey = GlobalKey();
  InAppWebViewController? webViewController;
  InAppWebViewSettings settings = InAppWebViewSettings(
      isInspectable: kDebugMode,
      useOnDownloadStart: true,
      javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically: true,
      javaScriptEnabled: true,
      useShouldOverrideUrlLoading: true);
  String url = "";

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SafeArea(
      child: Column(children: <Widget>[
          child: Stack(
            children: [
                key: webViewKey,
                initialFile: "packages/myPlugin/src/web/index.html",
                // initialUrlRequest:
                //     URLRequest(url: WebUri('')),
                initialUserScripts: UnmodifiableListView<UserScript>([]),
                initialSettings: settings,
                onWebViewCreated: (controller) async {
                  webViewController = controller;
                onLoadStart: (controller, url) async {
                onPermissionRequest: (controller, request) async {
                  debugPrint("onPermission request");
                  return PermissionResponse(
                      resources: request.resources,
                      action: PermissionResponseAction.GRANT);
                shouldOverrideUrlLoading: (controller, navigationAction) async {
                  return NavigationActionPolicy.ALLOW;
                onLoadStop: (controller, url) async {
                  setState(() {
                    this.url = url.toString();
                onReceivedError: (controller, request, error) {
                onUpdateVisitedHistory: (controller, url, isReload) {
                onConsoleMessage: (controller, consoleMessage) {

I have a simple html inside my plugin lib/src/web, but when I am running an example inside my plugin on IOS and I want to show my index HTML nothing happens, No error and no one of all callbacks did call.

But if I comment initialFile: "packages/myPlugin/src/web/index.html", and I uncomment

initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(url: WebUri('')),

web view works and I can see flutter site on IOS.

this is my simple html:

<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<head><title>Navigation Delegate Example</title></head>
    The navigation delegate is set to block navigation to the youtube website.
    <ul><a href=""></a></ul>
    <ul><a href=""></a></ul>

I also put my HTML inside my plugin root assets folder :


  • assets/
  • assets/web

and I changed initialFile: "packages/mypackagename/assets/web/index.html"

nothing happend ?


  • It was a dummy issue. I am writing here maybe help others.

     - assets/web/ // <-- count two spaces from start

    in my plugin yaml file