I got a problem with testing function calling hive put method, now i'm gonna provide my code for the function, test and the error message
///////////////////// Function impl. ////////////////////////
class AppLocalDataSourceImpl implements AppLocalDataSource {
static const _kTag = "AppLocalDataSource";
final Box _appBox;
AppLocalDataSourceImpl({required Box appBox}) : _appBox = appBox;
Future<void> updateAppCountry(CountryModel country) async {
try {
await _appBox.put(
} catch (e) {
logError("$_kTag updateAppCountry Error: $e");
throw LocalStorageException(
errLogMessage: localStorageErrorMessage(e.toString()),
//////////////////// Test impl. ////////////////////////
class MockBox extends Mock implements Box<dynamic> {}
void main() {
group('AppLocalDataSourceImpl Tests', () {
late AppLocalDataSourceImpl dataSource;
late MockBox mockBox;
setUp(() async {
mockBox = MockBox();
dataSource = AppLocalDataSourceImpl(appBox: mockBox);
test('updateAppCountry calls put with correct parameters', () async {
// Arrange
const country = CountryModel(
id: 1,
icon: 'icon_url',
name: 'Test Country',
code: 'TC',
currency: CurrencyModel(id: 1, currency: 'USD', name: 'US Dollar'),
when(mockBox.put(any, any)).thenAnswer((inn) async => Future.value());
// Act
await dataSource.updateAppCountry(country);
// Assert
verify(mockBox.put(CacheKeys.ckAppCountry, country)).called(1);
///////////////////////// Error ///////////////////////////
00:02 +6 -1: AppLocalDataSourceImpl Tests updateAppCountry calls put with correct parameters [E]
type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<void>'
test/src/core/app_data/data_source/local/app_local_data_source_impl_test.dart 11:7 MockBox.put
test/src/core/app_data/data_source/local/app_local_data_source_impl_test.dart 124:20 main.<fn>.<fn>
To run this test again: /Users/macbook/Dev/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart test /Users/macbook/StudioProjects/TravelApp/test/src/core/app_data/data_source/local/app_local_data_source_impl_test.dart -p vm --plain-name 'AppLocalDataSourceImpl Tests updateAppCountry calls put with correct parameters'
00:02 +6 -1: Some tests failed.
when(mockBox.put(any, any)).thenAnswer((inn) async => Future.value());
Here, instead of any
put there any()