The settings are set to copy. The advanced edit shows:
"name": "LouisHoweDb",
"value": "Data,1433;Initial Catalog=MyCatalog;User ID=Me;Password=MyPassword",
"type": "SQLAzure",
"slotSetting": false
These did copy over to the production slot. But aren't the production settings supposed to copy over to the dev slot?
If you have cloned the Dev Slot from the Production Slot, then all the configurations will be copied from the Production slot.
Here I have selected Do not clone settings
This option will create a new slot with name Dev
within the same App Service Plan => App Service without copying any configurations from the Production.
I have set connection string in Production and I don't have any settings in Dev Slot.
Now Iam swapping the slots.
With "slotSetting": false
option the configuration from Production will be swapped to Dev and Production slot will lose the configurations.
Configuration Changes:
Configurations after Swap:
Thanks @Dai for the comment.
The setting with "slotSetting": true
will not copy configurations and there will be no change in the configuration settings.
but I assumed the production settings would swap to dev. Or is that a one way copy, and no swap
The swapping of configurations depends completely on the Deployment slot option