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Vega Stacked waffle chart into vega lite

Does anyone know if it is possible to convert this vega spec from sanddance into a vega-lite spec? I really like the idea of every data point being a separate box so you can hover to get the information.

In my case I want to create a new chart where my main groups are resources and each work orders will be colored by status. So for the current month you can see which work orders are overdue, postponed, completed, cancelled etc. I will demo this later.

enter image description here

  "$schema": "",
  "data": [
      "name": "input",
      "url": "",
      "format": {"parse": "auto", "type": "tsv", "delimiter": "\t"}
    {"name": "data_source", "source": "input", "transform": []},
      "name": "data_topcolorlookup",
      "source": "data_source",
      "transform": [
        {"type": "aggregate", "groupby": ["Class"]},
        {"type": "window", "ops": ["count"], "as": ["__SandDance__TopIndex"]},
        {"type": "filter", "expr": "datum[\"__SandDance__TopIndex\"] <= 19"}
      "name": "data_legend",
      "source": "data_source",
      "transform": [
          "type": "lookup",
          "from": "data_topcolorlookup",
          "key": "Class",
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          "values": ["Class"],
          "as": ["__SandDance__TopColor"]
          "type": "formula",
          "expr": "datum[\"__SandDance__TopColor\"] == null ? '__Other' : datum[\"__SandDance__TopColor\"]",
          "as": "__SandDance__TopColor"
          "type": "joinaggregate",
          "groupby": ["Department"],
          "ops": ["count"],
          "as": ["agg_1_aggregate_value"]
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          "groupby": ["Department"],
          "as": ["square_2_stack0", "square_2_stack1"],
          "sort": {"field": "Class", "order": "ascending"}
      "name": "band_0_accumulative",
      "source": "data_legend",
      "transform": [
        {"type": "aggregate", "groupby": ["Department"], "ops": ["count"]}
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                  "signal": "(((aggMaxExtentScaled) / ceil(aggMaxExtent / ceil(sqrt(aggMaxExtent * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (aggMaxExtentScaled)))))) - min(0.1 * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (ceil(sqrt(aggMaxExtent * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (aggMaxExtentScaled)))) - 1)), 1))"
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          "name": "output",
          "source": "data_legend",
          "transform": [
              "type": "formula",
              "expr": "0 + floor((datum[\"square_2_stack0\"]) / ceil(sqrt(aggMaxExtent * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (aggMaxExtentScaled))))) * ((((aggMaxExtentScaled) / ceil(aggMaxExtent / ceil(sqrt(aggMaxExtent * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (aggMaxExtentScaled)))))) - min(0.1 * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (ceil(sqrt(aggMaxExtent * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (aggMaxExtentScaled)))) - 1)), 1)) + min(0.1 * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (ceil(sqrt(aggMaxExtent * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (aggMaxExtentScaled)))) - 1)), 1))",
              "as": "__SandDance__X"
              "type": "formula",
              "expr": "0 + scale(\"scale_band_0_y\", datum[\"Department\"]) + (band_0_bandwidth) / ceil(sqrt(aggMaxExtent * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (aggMaxExtentScaled)))) * ((datum[\"square_2_stack0\"]) % ceil(sqrt(aggMaxExtent * ((band_0_bandwidth) / (aggMaxExtentScaled)))))",
              "as": "__SandDance__Y"
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    {"name": "aggMaxExtent", "update": "agg_1_count_extent[1]"},
      "name": "aggMaxExtentScaled",
      "update": "scale(\"scale_agg_1\", aggMaxExtent)"
  "legends": [
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      "title": "Class",
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      "domain": {
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      "range": {"scheme": "category10"},
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  "config": {}


  • I managed. Here is the code if anyone wants to contribute and improve. I think it is very interesting to see the unique boxes to illustrate actual records. When you hover you get a detailed tool-tip about that specific record for example.

    enter image description here

      "$schema": "",
      "data": {"url": "data/cars.json"},
      "transform": [
          "joinaggregate": [{"op": "count", "as": "Count"}],
          "groupby": ["Cylinders", "Origin"]
          "joinaggregate": [{"op": "sum", "field": "Count", "as": "OriginCount"}],
          "groupby": ["Origin"]
      "facet": {
        "row": {
          "field": "Origin",
          "sort": {"field": "OriginCount", "order": "descending"},
          "header": {
            "title": "",
            "labelAngle": 0,
            "labelPadding": 15,
            "labelAlign": "left",
            "labelFontSize": 12
      "spacing": 5,
      "spec": {
        "width": 300,
        "height": 100,
        "layer": [
            "transform": [
                "window": [{"op": "row_number", "as": "id"}],
                "sort": [{"field": "Cylinders", "order": "ascending"}],
                "groupby": ["Origin"]
              {"calculate": "ceil( / 10)", "as": "row"},
              {"calculate": " - datum.row * 10", "as": "col"}
            "mark": {
              "type": "rect",
              "stroke": "#fff",
              "strokeWidth": 1,
              "filled": true,
              "tooltip": true
            "encoding": {
              "y": {"field": "col", "type": "ordinal", "axis": null},
              "x": {"field": "row", "type": "ordinal", "axis": null},
              "color": {
                "field": "Cylinders",
                "type": "nominal",
                "scale": {"scheme": "set1"}
              "tooltip": [
                {"field": "Origin", "type": "nominal"},
                {"field": "Name", "type": "nominal"},
                {"field": "Cylinders", "type": "nominal"},
                {"field": "Horsepower", "type": "nominal"},
                {"field": "id", "type": "nominal"}
            "transform": [
                "window": [{"op": "row_number", "as": "id"}],
                "sort": [{"field": "Cylinders", "order": "ascending"}],
                "groupby": ["Origin"]
              {"calculate": "ceil( / 10)", "as": "row"},
              {"calculate": " - datum.row * 10", "as": "col"},
                "joinaggregate": [{"op": "max", "field": "id", "as": "maxId"}],
                "groupby": ["Origin"]
              {"filter": " === datum.maxId"}
            "mark": {
              "type": "text",
              "align": "left",
              "baseline": "middle",
              "dx": 15,
              "color": "black"
            "encoding": {
              "text": {"field": "id", "type": "nominal"},
              "x": {"field": "row", "type": "ordinal", "axis": null},
              "tooltip": [
                {"field": "Origin", "type": "nominal"},
                {"field": "Name", "type": "nominal"},
                {"field": "Cylinders", "type": "nominal"},
                {"field": "id", "type": "nominal"}
      "config": {"view": {"stroke": "transparent"}}

    We can also do interesting things like color based on horsepower.

    enter image description here

    Or by Miles per gallon. Here we see Japan has the highest percentage of efficient vehicles.

    enter image description here

    We can even add additional marks to represent other things. Below I have added some marks for priority and criticality.

    enter image description here

    Lots of possibilities here...

    Happy Charting!
