I was using Delphi Type Library to create a COM+ application. I got a access violation error when I created the number 78 parameters for one function call. I realized that there is a limitation for the number of parameters for the COM+ functions. So after, I have to use a typed structure/Record to package the parameters. Then pass a record instead of numbers of simple data type parameters.
Do you know about this limitation and what is your suggest?
I did more test as involved the Struct/Record, then I install the new component and get a error when I call it:
I call the function:
ReturnVaule := Clients.updClient2(EmploymentApp.SessionID,
and I get the error:
"A null reference pointer was passed to the stub"
At last, I use a Variant parameter to transfer most of the parameters, then read them out as a array. It works fine, but it is not easy to know the index of the array is mapping to which parameter.