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docker '--mount' flag not identified while running from a child process

I am trying to run a docker command as a child process from a Python script using subprocess module, but I get the below error.

b"unknown flag: --mount\r\nSee 'docker buildx build --help'.\r\n"

The script code I am trying to run is,

command = 'docker build -f /root/magneto/docker_env/ -t magneto_build /root/magneto && docker run -ti --mount src=$(pwd),dst=/tmp/magneto/build,type=bind -e BUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER:-local} magneto_build'
command_args = shlex.split(command)
p = subprocess.Popen(command_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = p.communicate()

The output variable is blank and the error is received in error variable.

I also tried with the pexpect library, just to check if I am using the correct library and functions but that too threw the same error

Please suggest the reason for this and if possible a solution.


  • The problem is that you are running shlex.split on two commands, which obviously need the shell. Basically, you end up running docker build with arguments like && and docker and run and --mount, rather than running docker build and docker run as two separate commands.

    For a more understandable example, compare:

    >>> import subprocess, shlex
    >>>'echo foo && echo bar >/dev/null'))
    foo && echo bar >/dev/null
    CompletedProcess(args=['echo', 'foo', '&&', 'echo', 'bar', '>/dev/null'], returncode=0)

    You see? && and the other echo command and >/dev/null are all parsed into arguments for the first echo.

    (Perhaps shlex.split should warn you if one of the resulting tokens is ; or || or && or > etc; but it is simply not designed to parse entire shell scripts, just individual commands.)

    Either simply live with shell=True and pass in a string;

    result =
        'docker build -f /root/magneto/docker_env/ -t magneto_build /root/magneto && docker run -ti --mount src=$(pwd),dst=/tmp/magneto/build,type=bind -e BUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER:-local} magneto_build'.
        shell=True, text=True, check=True, capture_output=True)
    output = result.stdout
    error = result.stderr

    or painstakingly refactor this to avoid shell features (including, but not limited to, command substitution and variable interpolation).

    first =
        shlex.split('docker build -f /root/magneto/docker_env/ -t magneto_build /root/magneto'),
        check=True, text=True, capture_output=True)
    # Because of check=True, && is implicit -- there would be
    # an exception if the first command failed
    second =
        ['docker', 'run', '-ti',
         '--mount', f'src={os.getcwd()},dst=/tmp/magneto/build,type=bind',
         '-e', f'BUILD_NUMBER={os.environ.get("BUILD_NUMBER", "local")}',
        check=True, text=True, capture_output=True)
    output = first.stdout + second.stdout
    error = first.stderr + second.stderr

    Notice also how this avoids bare Popen; like its documentation clearly tells you, you should use and friends when you can.

    Perhaps see also Actual meaning of shell=True in subprocess and Running Bash commands in Python