Search code examples

Stock Mutation with Mysql

I have mutation table that stores transactions:

M_Date Item_ID Qty
2024-01-02 B-0001 4
2024-01-03 B-0001 2
2024-01-03 B-0001 -1
2024-01-04 B-0001 -2
2024-01-03 B-0002 5
2024-01-03 B-0002 -2
2024-01-04 B-0002 1
2024-01-06 B-0002 -2

the scenario is; I select begin date and end date (for example I choose from 2024-01-01 to 2024-01-31) to show data from mutation table like this :

Item_ID entry_date b_balance Mutation_In Mutation_Out e_balance
B-0001 2024-01-02 0 4 0 4
B-0001 2024-01-03 4 2 -1 5
B-0001 2024-01-04 5 0 -2 3
B-0002 2024-01-03 0 5 -2 3
B-0002 2024-01-04 3 1 0 4
B-0002 2024-01-06 4 0 -2 2

how to query in mysql to get the above result? any help will be appreciated, thank you in advance!


  • You can do:

    select item_id, entry_date,
      pos as mutation_in,
      neg as mutation_out,
      b_balance + pos + neg as e_balance
    from (
      select x.*,
        coalesce(sum(neg + pos) over (partition by item_id order by entry_date 
          rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding), 0) as b_balance  
      from (
        select item_id, m_date as entry_date,
          sum(case when qty < 0 then qty else 0 end) as neg,
          sum(case when qty > 0 then qty else 0 end) as pos
        from t
        group by item_id, m_date
      ) x
    ) y
    order by item_id, entry_date


     item_id  entry_date  b_balance  mutation_in  mutation_out  e_balance 
     -------- ----------- ---------- ------------ ------------- --------- 
     B-0001   2024-01-02  0          4            0             4         
     B-0001   2024-01-03  4          2            -1            5         
     B-0001   2024-01-04  5          0            -2            3         
     B-0002   2024-01-03  0          5            -2            3         
     B-0002   2024-01-04  3          1            0             4         
     B-0002   2024-01-06  4          0            -2            2         

    See running example at db<>fiddle -- with/without filtering.