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React modal dialog re-renders parent component - how to approach this

I have a parent component with reactive vars that are populated with data from a Mongo collection. The child modal dialog modifies this information, causing a re-render of the parent component — and also the modal dialog.

Obviously the modal dialog shouldn't be re-rendered. I tried lifting the open/close state to the parent, but the re-renders still occur.

What are ways that I can prevent this from happening?

Thanks in advance!

I tried lifting the open/close state to the parent, but the re-renders still occur.


  • Memoization using React.memo or useMemo: Wrap your modal component with React.memo to prevent unnecessary re-renders if its props haven't changed.

    const ModalComponent = React.memo(({ isOpen, onClose }) => {
    // Your modal content here
    // In parent component
    return (
    {/* Other parent content */}
    <ModalComponent isOpen={modalOpen} onClose={toggleModal} />

    Alternatively you can use useMemo

    const modalComponent = useMemo(() => <ModalComponent isOpen={modalOpen} onClose={toggleModal} />, [modalOpen]);
    // In parent component
    return (
        {/* Other parent content */}