saveItemComment(itemComment: ItemComment) {
if (itemComment && itemComment.itemNo) {
if (itemComment.comment && itemComment.comment.length > 5) {
// 1. persist the new or modified itemComment
this.http.put(this.itemCommentServerPath + itemComment.itemNo, itemComment).subscribe(data => {
if (data) {
console.log('server answered ' + data);
}, error => {
I take this itemComment.comment && itemComment.comment.length to check if more than 5 then return with message this is my
export interface ItemComment {
itemNo: string;
comment?: string;
i even did if true but didn't see error message save just worked
I tried putting that if and then
<label class="bmwLabel" for="itemcommentinput">
{{ 'ASSESSMENT.DETAIL.DETAIL-ENTRY.ITEM_COMMENT.itemCommentLabel' | translate }}
<textarea id="itemcommentinput" rows="50" pInputTextarea class="bmwInput"
style="width: 100%; height: 74.8vh;"
[(ngModel)]="itemComment.comment" >
<div *ngIf="itemComment.comment && itemComment.comment.length > 5" style="color: red;">Maximum length exceeded</div>
still doesn't work
i think you forgot to add CommonModule, FormsModule in imports. please check my stackblitz link. might be it helpful to you.