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Fetching multiple rows: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

I searched all posts regarding this issue: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression.

But my case I need to fetch multiple rows for my purpose.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_friend_diaries (contacts text[], "intPage" int, "intOffset" int) 
RETURNS jsonb[] 
AS $$ 
    result jsonb[];
    -- Your SQL logic here
    result := (
        SELECT array_agg(jsonb_build_object(
            'numComments', d."numComments",
            'diaryId', d."diaryId",
            'secretType', d."secretType",
            'userId', d."userId",
            'todayDiary', d."todayDiary",
            'todayMood', d."todayMood",
            'numLikes', d."numLikes",
            'createdAt', d."createdAt",
            'notice', d.notice,
            'forceSecret', d."forceSecret",
            'birthDay', u."birthDay",
            'gender', u.gender,
            'loginType', u."loginType",
            'avatar', u.avatar,
            'birthYear', u."birthYear",
            'fcmToken', u."fcmToken",
            'stepStatus', u."stepStatus",
            'lastVisit', u."lastVisit",
            'subdistrictId', u."subdistrictId",
            'targetDailyStep', u."targetDailyStep",
            'images', (SELECT json_agg(jsonb_build_object(
                                'image', i.image
                      FROM images as i 
                      WHERE i."diaryId" = d."diaryId")
        FROM diaries d
        JOIN users u ON d."userId" = u."userId"
        WHERE = ANY(contacts) 
        AND d."secretType" <> '비공개' 
        GROUP BY d."createdAt"
        ORDER BY d."createdAt" DESC 
        LIMIT "intOffset" OFFSET ("intPage" - 1)
    RETURN result;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

So Fetching more than one row is my purpose And I set return type as json[] to get array.

But whay this error happens? and how to fix it?


  • Your function isn't using any plpgsql specific features, so you can just use plain SQL like this:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_friend_diaries (contacts text[], "intPage" int, "intOffset" int) 
    RETURNS jsonb[]
    AS $$ 
        SELECT array_agg(jsonb_build_object(
            'numComments', d."numComments",
            'diaryId', d."diaryId",
            'secretType', d."secretType",
            'userId', d."userId",
            'todayDiary', d."todayDiary",
            'todayMood', d."todayMood",
            'numLikes', d."numLikes",
            'createdAt', d."createdAt",
            'notice', d.notice,
            'forceSecret', d."forceSecret",
            'birthDay', u."birthDay",
            'gender', u.gender,
            'loginType', u."loginType",
            'avatar', u.avatar,
            'birthYear', u."birthYear",
            'fcmToken', u."fcmToken",
            'stepStatus', u."stepStatus",
            'lastVisit', u."lastVisit",
            'subdistrictId', u."subdistrictId",
            'targetDailyStep', u."targetDailyStep",
            'images', (SELECT json_agg(jsonb_build_object(
                                'image', i.image
                        FROM images as i 
                        WHERE i."diaryId" = d."diaryId")
        FROM diaries d
        JOIN users u ON d."userId" = u."userId"
        WHERE = ANY(contacts) 
        AND d."secretType" <> '비공개' 
        GROUP BY d."createdAt"
        ORDER BY d."createdAt" DESC 
        LIMIT "intOffset" OFFSET ("intPage" - 1);
    $$ LANGUAGE sql;