Search code examples

Count the number of times the link is clicked (ASP.NET Core razor page asp-page-handler)

Who can help me? I have a link that points to another page. And I want to count the number of times this link is clicked and store it in my SQL Server database. My page is an ASP.NET Core razor page. I have a column variabelSearch in my database table and I have to increase this column by +1 every time I click on the link.

Public void OnGetLeagueAsync(Guid? varLgPlayerId)
    HttpContext.Session.SetString("SessionLgPlayerId", varLgPlayerId.ToString());


    <a asp-page-handler="League" asp-route-varLgPlayerId="">@itemP.naam</a>


  • Firstly, you need have a table which contains property variabelSearch:

    public class SearchCount
        // Other properties...
        public int VariabelSearch { get; set; }

    Then in your backend code:

    public async Task OnGetLeagueAsync(Guid? varLgPlayerId)
        HttpContext.Session.SetString("SessionLgPlayerId", varLgPlayerId.ToString());
        // Assuming _context is your database context, 
        //and you have a known ID for the row you're updating. e.g. your passing varLgPlayerId
        var searchCount = await _context.SearchCounts.FindAsync(knownId);
        if (searchCount != null)
            searchCount.VariabelSearch += 1;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();