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How to rerender Angular Component?

I have an issue with that Angular do not update @ViewChildren field. In component I have the following html view:

    <audio-player #audioPlayer

and the following code:

export class CustomDetailsComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy {
    @Input() customDetails: <Type>;

    @ViewChildren('audioPlayer') audioPlayers!: QueryList<AudioPlayerComponent>;

After update of main field customDetails of CustomDetailsComponent audioPlayers still is not updated. audioPlayers depends on number of audio files in customDetails component.

Is there a way to rerender CustomDetailsComponent completely ? Because for me it looks like that @ViewChildren('audioPlayer') calculated only once at component creation ...


  • What actually helped me is the following code:

    export class CustomDetailsComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy {
        _customDetails!: <Type>;
        @Input({ required: true })
        set customDetails(value: <Type>) {
          this._customDetails = value;
        get customDetails() {
          return this._customDetails;
        @ViewChildren('audioPlayer') audioPlayers!: QueryList<AudioPlayerComponent>;

    Because audioPlayers depends on number of components in customDetails, I decided to add setter for customDetails and run cdr for changes detection, and it helped !!

    Of, this Angular dependency management in Angular is not so intuitive, most time it detects changes, but sometimes not, and you fight with it :)