I need to get the sum of all the totalTime: Int values in the sessions collection in firebase with swift as described here, however I am not sure how to do it and I can't find it in the documentation:
func sumTotalTime() async throws -> Int {
guard let uid = self.userSession?.uid else {
print("User not authenticated.")
return 0
var sum = 0
let query = db.collection("users/\(uid)/sessions")
let sumQuery = query.aggregate([.sum("totalTime")])
do {
let snapshot = try await sumQuery.getAggregation(source: .server)
print("this is the sum of all time", snapshot)
// sum = ??
} catch {
return sum
This code appears to return something in the snapshot, but I am not sure how to use it or if it's even got the right data in it. How would you resolve this?
Somehow there are no code samples for the sum and average functions for the mobile SDKs yet (I'm asking around for them), but here's an example from the unit tests:
func testAverageUnderflow() async throws {
let collection = collectionRef()
try await collection.addDocument(data: ["underflowSmall": Double.leastNonzeroMagnitude])
try await collection.addDocument(data: ["underflowSmall": 0])
let snapshot = try await collection.aggregate([AggregateField.average("underflowSmall")])
.getAggregation(source: .server)
// Average
XCTAssertEqual(snapshot.get(AggregateField.average("underflowSmall")) as? Double, 0.0)
So it looks like you can get the sum from the snapshot with something like: