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Stop Matlab from changing numbers to other characters

I have a Matlab Script where I am processing some data in a loop. After setting the directories (DIRs) outside of the loop, I set the subject ID numbers in a vector, then load the file to work on:

SUB = {1040 2001 (and so on...)}

 for i = 1:length(SUB)
    %execute statements and catch errors 
    %load the setfile
    EEG = pop_loadset('filename',[SUB{i} '_WIT_postprocessing.set'],'filepath', [DIR2 '/']);

For specific people, I keep getting an error. For example, for subject 1040, the program (EEGlab) cannot load their data because Matlab changes 1040 to A.

SUB{i} '_WIT_postprocessing.set'

ans 'A_WIT_postprocessing.set

This continues with other numbers as well. For example, SUB{2001} becomes a small square. What setting is causing this? How do I turn it off?


  • Converting the list of numbers to a sting solved this issue:

    SUB = {"1040" "2001"}