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How to run CREATE DATABASE command on LIVE Laravel site through get request


  • I've inherited a Laravel PHP codebase and needed to make some minor changes.
  • I added a page with a button that invokes this method below to create a database on the fly.
  • This works on my machine in dev, fails with 500 error on live.
  • If I comment out this line, the redirect works fine, so I know this is the issue.

I know this isn't ideal, but it's what I want to do. How can I make this command work please?

Method I added:

public function store()
    $datestr = date("Y_H_i_s");
    DB::statement("CREATE DATABASE xxxx_". $datestr);
    return redirect()->to('/setupfinished');

Edit: Here's the error message - so how do I enable permissions for this user?

[previous exception] [object] (PDOException(code: 42000): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user 'xxxx'@'localhost' to database 'xxxx_2024_19_14_10' at /var/www/summer/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:580)

Treat me as if I know nothing about Laravel but I do know some PHP.



  • Thanks for help - I fixed with mysql command:

    grant all privileges on *.* to '<user>'@'localhost';