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Stored Procedures and Functions not working properly or found in Spring Data JPA and PostgreSQL 16

I am learning Spring Data JPA as part of my Spring Boot revision. I am trying to use Stored procedures on the database, and i want to call them from my Spring Data JPA repositories.

I am trying to use the @Procedure annotation as well as native queries, I tried every possible combination and tried to be as detailed as possible,

I can't help but thin either I am missing something right in front of me, or there is a bug

I have checked the data types and everything matches as well as I can see.

-- The Postgresql stored procedure:
    IN _name VARCHAR, 
    IN _mkey VARCHAR,
    IN _mvalue integer,
    OUT newid integer
AS $$
    INSERT INTO misc.misc (name, mkey, mvalue) VALUES (_name, _mkey, _mvalue) RETURNING id;

If i call the procedure from the database client it works perfect:

-- Calling the procedure, both named & positional params work:
-- Positional params:
CALL createmisc('Name 2', 'mk2', 5, NULL);
-- Named params:
CALL createmisc(_name => 'Name 2', _mkey => 'mk3', _mvalue => 5, newId => NULL);
// The code in Spring Boot:
 * Need to create custom Getters and Setters for mKey and mValue
 * because the first char lower, then second caps, is causing issues with lombok,
 * but it works with intelliJ
public class Misc {

     * Here this is a simple project, and only 1 misc will be inserted at a time,
     * For this, the IDENTITY generation type is okay
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private String mKey;
    private Integer mValue;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public void setmKey(String mKey) {
        this.mKey = mKey;

    public String getmKey() {
        return mKey;

    public Integer getmValue() {
        return mValue;

     * Just a normal method to try and show these as rich models,
     * If I have a rich model, It can do specific tasks,
     * @return
    public String expressMisc() {
        return "Misc: " + name + " is amazing ";
 * Learning how to call Stored Procedures from Spring Data JPA to PostgreSQL database
public interface MiscStoredProcedureCrudRepository extends CrudRepository<Misc, Integer> {

     * This works when return type is void
     * @param name
     * @param mkey
     * @param mvalue
    @Procedure(procedureName = "createmisc", outputParameterName = "newid")
    public void callCreateMiscWithVoidReturn(String name, String mkey, Integer mvalue);

     * Here I am not mentioning anything to do with OUT parameter,
     * PostgreSQL expects an OUT parameter, but when there is a return type it fails,
     * Even though I choose the most generic object:
     * @param name
     * @param mkey
     * @param mvalue
     * @return
    @Procedure(procedureName = "createmisc")
    public Object callStoredProcBaldenbugStyle(String name, String mkey, Integer mvalue);

     * Here I am going to try using the native query,
     * The arguments match completely fine but for some reason it can't find the procedure
            value = "CALL misc.createmisc(:name, :mkey, :mvalue, :newid)",
            nativeQuery = true
    public Integer callCreateMiscWithNativeQuery(
            @Param("name") String name,
            @Param("mkey") String mkey,
            @Param("mvalue") Integer mvalue,
            @Param("newid") Integer newid

     * Native query without Out parameter
            value = "CALL createmisc(:name, :mkey, :mvalue, NULL)",
            nativeQuery = true
    public Integer callCreateMiscWithNativeQueryNoOutParameter(
            @Param("name") String name,
            @Param("mkey") String mkey,
            @Param("mvalue") Integer mvalue

     * Calling native query without OUT parameter and No nulls
            value = "CALL createmisc(:name, :mkey, :mvalue)",
            nativeQuery = true
    public Integer callCreateMiscWithNativeQueryNoOutParameterNoNull(
            @Param("name") String name,
            @Param("mkey") String mkey,
            @Param("mvalue") Integer mvalue


I have followed this article: I also tried every possible combination, It keeps saying procedure not found, might need explicit casts

Here is the tests for each of the functions with the trace:

// Passes:
    void callCreateMiscWithVoidReturn() {
        Misc misc = new Misc();
        misc.setName("Misc from SP");

                misc.getName(), misc.getmKey(), misc.getmValue()

    void callStoredProcBaldenbugStyle() {
        Misc misc = new Misc();
        misc.setName("Misc from SP");

        Object returningInt = miscStoredProcedureCrudRepository.callStoredProcBaldenbugStyle(
                misc.getName(), misc.getmKey(), misc.getmValue()

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: procedure createmisc(character varying, character varying, integer, unknown) does not exist
  Hint: No procedure matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
  Position: 6

    void callCreateMiscWithNativeQuery() {
        Misc misc = new Misc();
        misc.setName("Misc from SP");

                misc.getName(), misc.getmKey(), misc.getmValue(), null

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: procedure misc.createmisc(character varying, character varying, integer, integer) does not exist
  Hint: No procedure matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
  Position: 6

    void callCreateMiscWithNativeQueryNoOutParameter() {
        Misc misc = new Misc();
        misc.setName("Misc from SP");

                misc.getName(), misc.getmKey(), misc.getmValue()


Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: procedure createmisc(character varying, character varying, integer, unknown) does not exist
  Hint: No procedure matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
  Position: 6

    void callCreateMiscWithNativeQueryNoOutParameterNoNull() {
        Misc misc = new Misc();
        misc.setName("Misc from SP");
                misc.getName(), misc.getmKey(), misc.getmValue()

org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException: JDBC exception executing SQL [CALL createmisc(?, ?, ?)] [No results were returned by the query.] [n/a]
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: No results were returned by the query.
    at app//org.postgresql.jdbc.PgPreparedStatement.executeQuery(
    at app//com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.ProxyPreparedStatement.executeQuery(
    at app//com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariProxyPreparedStatement.executeQuery(
    at app//org.hibernate.sql.results.jdbc.internal.DeferredResultSetAccess.executeQuery(

I have tried every combination imaginable, but I can't seem to find a way, Same thing is happenning with functions:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION misc.createmiscasfunc(_name character varying, _mkey character varying, _mvalue integer)
 RETURNS integer
AS $$

INSERT INTO misc (name, mkey, mvalue) VALUES (_name, _mkey, _mvalue) RETURNING id;


SELECT createmiscasfunc(
    _name => 'Named Param',
    _mkey => 'ddd2',
    _mvalue => 100

Creating a named native query:

     * @param name
     * @param mkey
     * @param mvalue
     * @return
            value = "SELECT misc.createmiscasfunc(_name => :name, _mkey => :mkey, _mvalue => :mvalue) ",
            nativeQuery = true
    public Integer createMiscAsFunc(
            @Param("name") String name,
            @Param("mkey") String mkey,
            @Param("mvalue") Integer mvalue

    void createMiscAsFunc() {
        Misc misc = new Misc();
        misc.setName("Misc from SP");
                misc.getName(), misc.getmKey(), misc.getmValue()

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function misc.createmiscasfunc(_name => character varying, _mkey => character varying, _mvalue => integer) does not exist
  Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
  Position: 8


  • Write a stored function instead of a procedure:

    create or replace function misc.createmisc(_name text, _mkey text, _mvalue integer)
    returns integer language sql volatile as
     insert into misc.misc (name, mkey, mvalue) values (_name, _mkey, _mvalue)
     returning id;

    Then the wrapper in Java:

      value = "select misc.createmisc(:name, :mkey, :mvalue)",
      nativeQuery = true
    public Integer createMiscWithNativeQuery(
      @Param("name") String name,
      @Param("mkey") String mkey,
      @Param("mvalue") Integer mvalue