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Swift Concurrency: Combine TaskGroup and AsyncStream?


Suppose I want to download 300 images in the background using Swift Concurrency. I'd like two things:

  1. As much parallelism as possible.
  2. My caller to receive each image as it's downloaded, rather than waiting for all of them to finish.


TaskGroup has many advantages: great parallelism, very cheap child tasks, and cancellation. But it does not return until all 300 child tasks have finished.

AsyncStream lets me return images as they're downloaded, but has no parallelism on its own—downloads happen one at a time, in sequence.


What I'd like to do is wrap a TaskGroup with an AsyncStream, like this:

let stream = AsyncStream(NSImage.self) { continuation in
    _ = await withTaskGroup(of: NSImage.self, returning: [NSImage].self) { taskGroup in
        let imageURLs: [URL] = ... // array of 300 URLs to download
        for imageURL in imageURLs {
            taskGroup.addTask { await downloadImage(url: imageURL) }

        for await result in taskGroup {

        return []

But AsyncStream can't take an async closure. So what's the best way to achieve this behavior with Swift Concurrency?


  • The idea is that you would bridge from the synchronous context of AsyncStream to Swift concurrency by creating a Task for the asynchronous work. Also remember to add an onTermination closure so that it will respond to the cancelation of the AsyncStream:

    func images(for urls: [URL]) -> AsyncStream<NSImage> {
        AsyncStream { continuation in
            let task = Task {
                await withTaskGroup(of: NSImage.self) { group in
                    for url in urls {
                        group.addTask { await self.downloadImage(url: url) }
                    for await image in group {
            continuation.onTermination = { _ in

    Obviously, since you are doing all of these network requests concurrently, you must recognize that these will likely not finish in the order corresponding to the original array of URLs.

    So, you might return a tuple of the original URL and the resulting image:

    func images(for urls: [URL]) -> AsyncStream<(URL, NSImage)> {
        AsyncStream { continuation in
            let task = Task {
                await withTaskGroup(of: (URL, NSImage).self) { group in
                    for url in urls {
                        group.addTask { await (url, self.downloadImage(url: url)) }
                    for await tuple in group {
            continuation.onTermination = { _ in

    Or perhaps an index number and the image:

    func images(for urls: [URL]) -> AsyncStream<(Int, NSImage)> {
        AsyncStream { continuation in
            let task = Task {
                await withTaskGroup(of: (Int, NSImage).self) { group in
                    for (index, url) in urls.enumerated() {
                        group.addTask { await (index, self.downloadImage(url: url)) }
                    for await tuple in group {
            continuation.onTermination = { _ in