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text enclosed between top and bottom borders with CSS

I want to replicate the effect in the photo, with pink neon borders above and below, and the text enclosed between them. How can I achieve this with CSS? I've tried, but I can't get the same effect

Thank you

enter image description here


  • The simplest would be to use an SVG shape with filter: drop-shadow().
    Here's an example with a similar SVG shape with a flickery neon animation

    body {
      background: #111;
      font: 1rem/1.4 system-ui;
    #neon path {
      stroke: #ffe9ff;
      stroke-linecap: round;
      stroke-width: 8;
      fill: none;
      animation: neon 0.01s alternate infinite;
      filter: drop-shadow(0 0 3px hsl(280 90% 60%)) drop-shadow(0 0 5px hsl(280 90% 50%));
    h1 {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      justify-content: center;
      text-align: center;
      align-items: center;
      font-size: 3rem;
      line-height: 1;
      text-transform: uppercase;
      color: #fff;
      text-shadow: 0 0 50px hsla(280 90% 70% / 0.5);
      & span {
        font-size: 1.86em;
      & svg {
        width: 4em;
        &~svg {
          rotate: 180deg;
    @keyframes neon {
      80% {
        filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px hsl(300 90% 50%)) drop-shadow(0 0 8px hsl(300 90% 50%));
    <svg style="display:none;">
        <symbol id="neon">
          <path d="M15,90 15,35 Q15,15 35,15 L 165,15 Q185,15 185,35 L 185,90"></path>
      <svg viewBox="0 0 200 100"><use href="#neon" /></svg>
      6 Giugno 2024<br>
      <svg viewBox="0 0 200 100"><use href="#neon" /></svg>