If I update same data row from 2 sessions and don't commit, then run query from the 3rd session:
select row_wait_obj#, row_wait_file#, row_wait_block#, row_wait_row#
from v$session where lockwait is not null;
I'll see the blocked session pending on:
row_wait_obj# row_wait_file# row_wait_block# row_wait_row#
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
258 1 2082 0
Suppose row_wait_obj#=258
is a table. How can I see the actual data row where contention happened?
Columns like ROW_WAIT_OBJ#, ROW_WAIT_FILE#, ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#, and ROW_WAIT_ROW# can be converted into the actual data row by using a combination of data dictionary queries and used to find the actual data and the DBMS_ROWID package.
The exact values posted in the question cannot be replicated, since they depend on many system-specific details. But the below example demonstrates how to find the data for a similar situation.
Create a table and open up two separate sessions. One sessions will update a row, and the other session will try to update the same row but will be blocked and have to wait for the first session to finish.
-- Create a simple table with 100K rows.
create table table1(a number);
insert into table1 select level from dual connect by level <= 100000;
-- Session #1: Update one row in the middle of the table to a negative number;
update table1 set a = -50000 where a = 50000;
-- Session #2: Waits until session #1 is committed or rolled back.
update table1 set a = -12345 where a = 50000;
That waiting second session will now show up in the data dictionary:
select row_wait_obj#, row_wait_file#, row_wait_block#, row_wait_row#
from v$session where lockwait is not null;
------------- -------------- --------------- -------------
137247 12 91565 499
Find the table name with this query. As expected, the table name is the table we just created.
select * from dba_objects where object_id = 137247;
Find the ROWID, which is like a physical pointer to the relevant row, using DBMS_ROWID:
select dbms_rowid.rowid_create(rowid_type => 1 /* extended rowid */,
object_number => 137247,
relative_fno => 12,
block_number => 91565,
row_number => 499) the_rowid
from dual;
Finally, use the ROWID to query the individual row that was changed:
select * from table1 where rowid = 'AAAhgfAAMAAAWWtAHz';
While the above code answers your question in most cases, it looks like you have an unusual issue. Your low OBJECT_ID of 258 implies the waits are for a system-owned object. And the ROW_WAIT_ROW# of 0 implies that the wait is not based on a row, and it is either a DDL wait or a SELECT wait. Performance "wait events", such as the time it might take to read from a block, appear in GV$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY with CURRENT_ROW# of 0, and I would guess the same thing is happening here.
You'll probably need to investigate your problem a different way. You'll still want to start with querying DBA_OBJECTS, but then you might need to find the the relevant sessions by querying GV$SESSION, then find the SQL_IDs, confirm that the SQL_IDs are really slow by looking at GV$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY (each row represents one second of waiting time, so if only pay attention to statements with many rows of waiting), then look up the relevant statements in GV$SQL. You may still need a lot of troubleshooting to get to the bottom of this issue.