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TypeScript mapped types: from list of both objects and strings to a key-value object

I'm trying to write a mapped type that takes a list which can contain both objects ("definitions") and strings. String values are limited to a set of strings that refer to existing hard coded definitions. The resulting type should be an object where the keys are collected from that input list;

  • for list elements of type string, use that string
  • for list elements of type object, use the name property from that object

Here is my current code:

type CustomDefinition = {
    name: string;
    units: string | null;

const predefinitions = {
        units: 'Bool',
        settable: false,
        units: 'Bool',
        settable: false,
        units: 'Bool',
        settable: false,
} as const;

type PredefinitionName = keyof typeof predefinitions;

type PredefinedValuesResult<SimVars extends PredefinitionName[]> = {
    [VarName in SimVars[number]]: string;

type CustomValuesResult<SimVars extends CustomDefinition[]> = {
    [VarName in SimVars[number]['name']]: string;

function getPredefinedValue<ReqValues extends PredefinitionName[]>(requestedValues: ReqValues): PredefinedValuesResult<ReqValues> {
    return {} as PredefinedValuesResult<ReqValues>; 

function getCustomValues<ReqValues extends CustomDefinition[]>(requestedValues: ReqValues): CustomValuesResult<ReqValues> {
    return {} as CustomValuesResult<ReqValues>; 

const predfinedValuesResult = getPredefinedValue([

const customValues = getCustomValues([
    { name: 'CUSTOM_VARIABLE', units: 'degrees' }



// Un-implemented functionality:

const customAndPredefinedValues = getCustomAndPredefinedValues([
    { name: 'CUSTOM_VARIABLE', units: 'degrees' }

    customAndPredefinedValues.AUTOPILOT_AIRSPEED_ACQUISITION, // should autocomplete
    customAndPredefinedValues.CUSTOM_VARIABLE, // should autocomplete

Using PredefinedValuesResult and CustomValuesResult alone works fine, but I want to allow the user to specify a list of both custom definitions and referring strings.

Would this be possible?


  • You could use a conditional type to examine the input array elements and use them directly if they are a key of predefinitions, or to use their name property if they are a CustomDefinition. For example:

    type Predefinitions = typeof predefinitions;
    declare function getCustomAndPredefinedValues<
        const T extends CustomDefinition | keyof Predefinitions>(
            t: T[]
        ): { [K in (
            T extends keyof Predefinitions ? T :
            T extends CustomDefinition ? T["name"] :
        )]: string };

    Now your function behaves as desired:

    const customAndPredefinedValues = getCustomAndPredefinedValues([
        { name: 'CUSTOM_VARIABLE', units: 'degrees' }
    /* const customAndPredefinedValues: {
        CUSTOM_VARIABLE: string;
    } */

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