I have the following code:
import {UseBaseStore} from "@/Stores/UseBaseStore.js";
import {UseBalanceStore} from "@/Stores/UseBalanceStore.js";
const props = defineProps({
'balance': Object
const baseStore = UseBaseStore()
I initialize a basestore that i want to use for initialization to prevent duplicate code but i run into a problem. With the following code:
import {defineStore} from "pinia";
import {ref} from "vue";
export const UseBaseStore = defineStore('BaseStore', () => {
const balance = ref(null)
function setBalance(balance) {
balance.value = balance
function init() {
return {balance, setBalance, init}
The first console.log returns a proper object as expected but the second returns null, does anyone know why?
It's an issue related to precedence and scope. Your function is assigning to the function parameter named balance
, and not the store variable named balance
. To correct the issue, give the parameter a different name
const balance = ref(null)
function setBalance(newBalance) {
balance.value = newBalance