When trying to select from a list, see image below, the left/right and up/down arrows are acting unintuitve (for me): The left/right move the selection up and down, while the down arrows selects it, the up arrow selects the item above the marked one.
I know the CTRL-N/P but how can I use the arrows in a more intuitive way? Is there a setting I can change? A remap I can define?
Thanks all..
Since I was asked, this is what I did:
set wildcharm=<C-Z>
cnoremap <expr> <up> wildmenumode() ? "\<left>" : "\<up>"
cnoremap <expr> <down> wildmenumode() ? "\<right>" : "\<down>"
cnoremap <expr> <left> wildmenumode() ? "\<up>" : "\<left>"
cnoremap <expr> <right> wildmenumode() ? " \<bs>\<C-Z>" : "\<right>"
I stole it from someone, don't remember where. But all credit to whoever made it (wasn't me).