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How do I position the interface on top?

How do I position the interface on top?

1. How to position the interface ICreditCard on top of MoneyBack?
2. How to position the interface ICreditCard on top in the middle between above MoneyBack and Program?

3. How to position the interface ICreditCard correctly on top: should it be on top or on the bottom?

4. Did I make the diagnosis correctly?

I want the Program and MoneyBack classes to be on the same line, and

Current result
enter image description here


title Class Diagram

' === ===
left to right direction
skinparam linetype ortho
' === ===

together {
    class Program {
    + Main(args: string[]): void

    class MoneyBack {
    + GetCardType(): string
    + GetCreditLimit(): int
    + GetAnnualCharge(): int

interface ICreditCard {
  + GetCardType(): string
  + GetCreditLimit(): int
  + GetAnnualCharge(): int

' === ===
Program -up-> ICreditCard
Program ..> MoneyBack
ICreditCard <|-up- MoneyBack



class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ICreditCard creditCard;
        creditCard = new MoneyBack()


public interface ICreditCard
    string GetCardType();
    int GetCreditLimit();
    int GetAnnualCharge();


public class MoneyBack : ICreditCard
    public string GetCardType()
        return "MoneyBack";
    public int GetCreditLimit()
        return 15000;
    public int GetAnnualCharge()
        return 500;

Update 1

How do I make the Program and MoneyBack classes aligned at the top?

enter image description here


  • How about not using the left to right syntax and reorganizing the references to:

    title Class Diagram
    ' === ===
    skinparam linetype ortho
    ' === ===
    together {
        class Program {
        + Main(args: string[]): void
        class MoneyBack {
        + GetCardType(): string
        + GetCreditLimit(): int
        + GetAnnualCharge(): int
    interface ICreditCard {
      + GetCardType(): string
      + GetCreditLimit(): int
      + GetAnnualCharge(): int
    ' === ===
    ICreditCard <-down- Program 
    ICreditCard <|-down- MoneyBack
    Program .right.> MoneyBack

    which gives:

    enter image description here

    Update 1: plantuml does not provide a feature for aligning classes at their top, but this other answer explains a workaround.