Is there any way to enable retention policy for Azure ACR repositories, where only last 3 tags is need to keep and rest can be deleted. Also we have to exclude certain images from these repositories ( can be filtered with regex filter, eg: images have prefix "base-image")
You can use delete operation to delete the tags prior.
Check whether the below Azure CLI
script provides insights to meet your functionality.
$reg = 'xxxx'
$skipLastTags = 3
$repositories = (az acr repository list --name $reg --output json | ConvertFrom-Json)
foreach ($repo in $repositories)
$tags = (az acr repository show-tags --name $reg --repository $repo --orderby time_asc --output json | ConvertFrom-Json ) | Select-Object -SkipLast $skipLastTags
foreach($tag in $tags)
az acr repository delete --name $reg --image $repo":"$tag --yes
Refer SO for more relevant information on your requirement.