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Calculate Forecasted Result into Future Using Results from Two Measures

My problem involves three measures, [% Accepted], [% Accepted Prior Month], and [Avg % Change].

If the [% Accepted] is blank, because we don't have data for that month yet, then I want the column to forecast the next month by calculating the [% Accepted Prior Month] + [Avg % Change] = "forecasted % accepted"

I can get it to do this for one month, but I want it to keep going on into the future, for example:

If [% Accepted] for Jan 2023 is blank, then it looks and finds [% Accepted Prior Month] (10.3%) + [Avg % Change] (1.23%) = 11.53% and puts that value in for Jan 2023

THEN for Feb 2023, it will use the 11.53% as its [% Accepted Prior Month] and add the [Avg % Change] for Feb 2023 to that and keep going month after month using the previously calculated value as the new prior month value. Here is what it would look like:

Month Year % Accepted % Accepted Prior Month Avg % Change Forecast
Apr 2023 Null Null -2.00 10.03
Mar 2023 Null Null -1.5 12.03
Feb 2023 Null Null 2.00 13.53
Jan 2023 Null 10.3 1.23 11.53
Dec 2022 10.3 11.28 -3.1 10.3
Nov 2022 11.28 14.5 2.14 11.28

Here is the measure I've built to this point:

Forecast = 
VAR _CurrentValue = [% Accepted]
VAR _ProjectedValue = [% Accepted Prior Month] +  [Avg % Change]

IF(ISBLANK(_CurrentValue), _ProjectedValue, _CurrentValue

And it gives me this:

Month Year % Accepted % Accepted Prior Month Avg % Change Forecast
Apr 2023 Null Null -2.00 -2.00
Mar 2023 Null Null -1.5 -1.5
Feb 2023 Null Null 2.00 2.00
Jan 2023 Null 10.3 1.23 11.53
Dec 2022 10.3 11.28 -3.1 10.3
Nov 2022 11.28 14.5 2.14 11.28

I can get one month forecasted, but after that it just returns the [Avg % Change], because it doesn't see the previous [Forecast] value as the prior month value.

I also tried creating a measure that was just [% Accepted Prior Month] + [Avg % Change], and a Prior Month version of that measure, but I still ended up with the same result.


  • DAX isn't recursive - in this case, you'll need to get the latest % Accepted and add the cumulative sum of Avg % Change.

    Try the following (making a few assumptions on your DateTable):

    Forecast = 
      var thisMonth = MAX('DateTable'[Date])
      var maxAvailableDate = MAXX(ALL('DateTable'), IF(NOT ISBLANK([% Accepted]), [Date])
      var lastAccepted =
          [% Accepted],
          'DateTable'[Date] = maxAvailableDate 
      var fcstMonths = 
          EDATE(maxAvailableDate, 1) <= 'DateTable'[Date] && 'DateTable'[Date] <= thisMonth
      var cumulativeChange = 
          SUMMARIZE(fcstMonths, 'Datetable'[MonthYear], "avg", [Avg % Change]),
      var frcst = lastAccepted + cumulativeChange
      var curValue = [% Accepted]
      return COALESCE(curValue, frcst)