I have a list of dictionaries.
"switch_vlan_ids": [
"switch01": ["1", "10", "30", "50"]
"switch02": ["1", "20", "40", "60"]
I'm attempting to loop through each switch and, on each switch, loop through each ID so that I can pass this ID to a command, eg show vlan {{id}}
The end goal, connect to a bunch of switches, verify that for each switch that the switch ports are configured for each vlan ID and, report an error/fail if not.
I tried a nested loop but, the inner loop complains that the outer loop loop_var isn't defined
- name: Outer loop - Iterate through TOR Switches
msg: "TOR Name: {{ tor_item.key }}"
loop: "{{ switch_vlan_ids | map('dict2items') | flatten }}"
loop_var: tor_item
- name: Inner loop - Iterate through VLAN IDs
msg: "VLAN ID: {{ id_item.value }}"
loop: "{{ tor_item.value }}"
loop_var: id_item
I've also attempted to just loop through the ID values but, this doesn't give the switch name so, if there's an error, I can't report the name of the switch with the error
- name: Set fact to loop through the tor_vlan_is_list values
switch_vlan_id_values: "{{ switch_vlan_ids | json_query('[].values(@)') | flatten }}"
- debug: var=switch_vlan_id_list_values
the above returns
"switch_vlan_id_values": ["1", "10", "30", "50", "1", "20", "40", "60"]
I've even tried a Jinja filter like below but abandoned it as I have no idea how I'd pass the values to an API call
- name: blah
set_fact: |
{% for switch in switch_vlan_ids %}
{% for name,ids in switch.items() %}
{% for id in ids %}
Q: "Loop through each switch and, on each switch, loop through each ID."
A: Adding subelements('value')
to the pipe does the job
- debug:
msg: "{{ item.0.key }} {{ item.1 }}"
loop: "{{ switch_vlan_ids|map('dict2items')|flatten|subelements('value') }}"
gives (abridged)
msg: switch01 1
msg: switch01 10
msg: switch01 30
msg: switch01 50
msg: switch02 1
msg: switch02 20
msg: switch02 40
msg: switch02 60
Example of a complete playbook for testing
- hosts: all
- switch01: ["1", "10", "30", "50"]
- switch02: ["1", "20", "40", "60"]
- debug:
msg: "{{ item.0.key }} {{ item.1 }}"
loop: "{{ switch_vlan_ids|map('dict2items')|flatten|subelements('value') }}"