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Need to update a column in a table from referencing from other table without hardcoding

I am currently working on a query which needs to update the column posting_ID in transaction table based on the information from Contract table for each client.

For example, the transaction table have 3 rows of data with different Posting_IDs. But these IDs needs to be updated by referencing into Contract table which will have Contract_NM column. Below is the picture which describes which Contract_NMs should go into what Posting_ID. I can easily do this by writing a case statement and hardcoding the values, but our requirement is not to hardcode it.

Create Table #Transaction 
(ID int, Posting_ID Varchar(10), Contract_NM varchar(25), Client_NM varchar(25))

Insert Into #Transaction
(1, '94260','LC01','ACA'),(2, '94260','LC02','ACA'),(3, '12458','LC03','ACA'),(4, 
'92250','LC04','ACA'),(5, '92252','LC05','ACA')

 Select * from #Transaction

 Create Table #Contract
 (Posting_ID Varchar(10), Contract_NM varchar(25), Client_NM varchar(25))

  Insert Into #Contract

   Select * from #Contract

Now, based on the data provided, I need to update Posting_ID column in Transaction table by referencing the Contract_NM column from the Contract table.

Can someone help with the solution here?


  • DATA

    IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Transaction') is not null)
        DROP TABLE #Transaction;
    Create Table #Transaction (ID int, Posting_ID Varchar(10), Contract_NM varchar(25), Client_NM varchar(25));
    Insert Into #Transaction
        (1, '94260','LC01','ACA'),
        (2, '94260','LC02','ACA'),
        (3, '12458','LC03','ACA'),
        (4, '92250','LC04','ACA'),
        (5, '92252','LC05','ACA');
    IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Contract') is not null)
        DROP TABLE #Contract;
    Create Table #Contract (Posting_ID Varchar(10), Contract_NM varchar(25), Client_NM varchar(25));
    Insert Into #Contract


    WITH contract_split(Posting_ID, Contract_NM, Contract_NM_list) AS
            CAST(LEFT(Contract_NM, CHARINDEX(',', Contract_NM + ',') - 1) as nvarchar),
            STUFF(Contract_NM, 1, CHARINDEX(',', Contract_NM + ','), '')
        FROM #Contract
        UNION ALL
            CAST(LEFT(Contract_NM_list, CHARINDEX(',', Contract_NM_list + ',') - 1) as nvarchar),
            STUFF(Contract_NM_list, 1, CHARINDEX(',', Contract_NM_list + ','), '')
        FROM contract_split
            Contract_NM_list > ''
    UPDATE t
        SET t.Posting_ID = cs.Posting_ID
    FROM contract_split cs
    JOIN #Transaction t ON t.Contract_NM = cs.Contract_NM

    Details The CTE takes the Contract_NM and adds a comma and then selects everything to the first comma it finds. The stuff then replaces the first Contract_NM up to the comma with nothing and stores the rest for the next recursive call. Note: you can add trim if your data has whitespace. When the CTE is done, it will contain all the values in rows. Add OPTION (maxrecursion 0) if you are running this on many rows.

    The update joins the CTE to the #Transaction table for updating. I just replaced the #Transaction Posting_ID with the one from the #Contract table. Not sure if that was your intent or not.

    Transaction Table Results

    pre-update Posting_ID (after update) Contract_NM
    94260 94265 LC01
    94260 94265 LC02
    12458 12422 LC03
    92250 94260 LC04
    92252 94260 LC05