I can't figure out why the below code isn't working to render bold text. I have a mermaid diagram for a Quarto website in R, and I want the word parameterChoiceUI to be in bold. This is what I have in my .qmd file:
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%%
flowchart LR
Indicator Selection`"]
A --> C(Modules)
B[sliderUI] --> C(Modules)
C --> D{Plots}
However, the rendered diagram looks like this:
Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong?
Markdown support to format text in mermaid diagram was added in mermaid.js v10.1.0
and Quarto v1.4 uses mermaid v10.2.0
, whereas Quarto v1.3 uses mermaid v9.2.2
So I think, you are using a quarto version below 1.4. Upgrade to Quarto v1.4 and your provided example should work fine (working fine in my case with Quarto v1.4).