I am trying to build documentation for my app. However for some reason the parameters are not shown. Does any one have an idea what I am doing wrong?
example code
///meanRounds will calculate the mean of the rounds
///(not functioning on the moment, working on mean2)
/// - Parameters :
/// - values: the array with values.
/// - times: the array with the times a value occurred.
/// - min: the lowest occurence.
/// - max: the highest occurence.
/// - Returns:
/// - averageValue : mean value
func meanRounds(values:[Int], times: [Int], min: Int, max: Int) -> (Double,Double,[Double]) {
var averageValue = mean2(values: values, times: values.count)
return (averageValue,2.0,[1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0])
Below is the result, parameters are only presented with an 's', return value is completely ommitted
It is the space between Parameters
and :
- Parameters : << Incorrect
- Parameters: << Correct