I want to run dotTrace and dotMemory from Visual Studio 2022. I do not want ReSharper in any form or shape. Is there a way to achieve this?
Please note - this question is about how to start dotTrace/Memory from VS with Resharper disable (or not installed altogether)
It's not clear to me what you're asking here. You clearly CAN install just dotTrace and dotMemory without ReSharper. Just select them on the JetBrains install screen and don't select ReSharper:
I've just done this and they work and there's no ReSharper.
There are some references to 'ReSharper' in Visual Studio though: the licence screens for dotTrace and dotMemory mention it, and the menu is called ReSharper.
Further there are apparently some ReSharper options to override Visual Studio in the Extensions/Resharper/Options screen, although they aren't actually overriding Visual Studio as far as I can see.
For example 'Disable Visual Studio Inline Hints' is checked, but if you enable them in Visual Studio they still work. That just looks like bad JetBrains programming to me, and can probably just be ignored.
Do you have an issue beyond all that?