I am currently writing a bash script that returns the output of the functions it performs as a log file. When this is viewed in Notepad text showing the process of a function takes up the bulk of the file. Ideally I don't want all this bulk and I just want to show the last output piece of progress text showing the process has been performed successfully.
output_log_18_01_2024.log - Notepad
Reading flash ............... 0x00000000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00001000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00002000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00003000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00004000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00005000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00006000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00007000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00008000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00009000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x0000A000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x0000B000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x0000C000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x0000D000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x0000E000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x0000F000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00010000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00011000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00012000 (0%)
Reading flash ............... 0x00013000 (0%)
When viewed in nano or vi on the command line, this process text appears as one line separated by carriage returns ^M.
GNU nano 5.6.1 output_log_18_01_2024.log
Reading flash ............... 0x00000000 (0%) ^M Reading flash ............... 0x00001000 (0%) ^M Reading flash ............... 0x00002000 (0%) ^M Reading flash ............... 0x00003000 (0%) ^M Reading flash ............... 0x00004000 (0%) etc...
As such I am trying to use a python script to detect these carriage returns and process them accordingly. Here is a script I have tried:
import sys, re
f = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
data = f.read()
counter = 0
for char in data:
print(char, end="")
if char == r'\r':
counter += 1
# always returns 0
rx = r'\r'
rr = re.search(rx, data)
# always returns None
Why is python unable to see these carriage returns? Is it just interpretting them as new lines and there's not much I can do? I am open to any support in python or bash, basically anything that will let me remove the bulk of this log and retain the important text.
Edit: Removed images of errors, replaced with text copies.
Here's an answer that ended up working for me. There's probably a far more efficient way of doing this. but the script this is a part of is already very very slow.
# formatter.py
import sys
### Split at newlines.
testlist = repr(sys.argv[1]).split(r'\n')
for i in range(0, len(testlist)):
line = testlist[i]
if line[1] == " ":
line = line.replace(" ","",1)
### If a return carriage is found in line
if (line.find(r'\r') > -1):
old_idx = 0
curr_idx = line.find(r'\r', old_idx)
### Find last occurence of \r
while curr_idx != -1:
old_idx = curr_idx
curr_idx = line.find(r'\r', (old_idx+1))
### Return line from position of penultimate carriage return to end of line.
### If no carriage returns are found, return script as is.
# echoline.sh
# get input
set -f # stops * being expanded
if test ! -t 0 # pipe
elif test -n "$1"
IFS='$'; arrIN=($indata); unset IFS;
for (( x=0; x<${#arrIN[@]}; x++))
outdata=$(python3 formatter.py "${arrIN[x]}" 2>/dev/null || python3 formatter.py "${arrIN[x]: -300}")
outdata="${outdata//"'"/""} \n"
echo -ne "$outdata" >> $outfile
echo -ne "$outdata"
echoLine -s $(cat -e output_log_18_01_2024_old.log)