I have the following tables in power BI: calendar and combined_apps. calendar is joined to combined_apps via 'calendar'[cal_posted_date] to combined_apps[date_join] in a one to many relationship.
I am trying to calculate the SUM(combined_apps[tran_amount]).
I have a slicer on my page that uses 'calendar'[cal_posted_date]. Lets say I have selected the date of 2023-10-18. I want to calculate the sum of tran_amount for this date, and all dates on and before, but only where the combined_apps[appl_appl_no] is equal to the appl_appl_no in the selected date.
So for example, if on the 2023-10-18 the sum equals $1000, and the appl_appl_no's for this date were 20055, 20035, and 20038, I want the the sum of these numbers for this date, and for all the dates before.
I am using the following formula:
Purchases =
VAR SelectedDates = VALUES('calendar'[cal_posted_date])
combined_apps[tran_code] IN {"35", "37"},
combined_apps[tran_effective_date] <= MAXX(SelectedDates, 'calendar'[cal_posted_date]),
combined_apps[appl_appl_no] IN
combined_apps[tran_effective_date] IN SelectedDates
The problem is, it is still calculating for only the selected date, and not the dates before. I realize this is because even though I'm asking it to calculate for the previous dates, because the slicer is set at 2023-10-18, it still only calculates for that date. How can I amend my DAX expression to cater for what I want?
You will need to remove the "filter context" from the date slicer, either by ALL
. Try:
Purchases =
var maxDate = MAX('calendar'[cal_posted_date])
var applNos = DISTINCT(combined_apps[appl_appl_no])
combined_apps[tran_code] IN {"35", "37"},
combined_apps[tran_effective_date] <= maxDate,
combined_apps[appl_appl_no] IN applNos