After responding a questionnaire, I recieved the answers of it. One of the questions was: how often do you use these languages in your work? The answers are in this format:
"A - Spanish 60 \r\nB - Both of them 10 \r\n C - English 30"
"B - Both of them 50 \r\n C - English 50"
"A - Spanish 30 \r\nC - English 70"
As you can see, each answer is formed by three different answers, preceding by A
, B
or C
(Spanish, Both of them or English). Nevertheless, all three answers do not always appear, and what I would like to get is the following table:
Spanish | Both of them | English
60 10 30
0 50 50
30 0 70
With strsplit(x, "\r\n")
I separated the answers but I do not know how to continue.
Let me share my insights on achieving this:
# Pseudocode
# 1. Init: an empty matrix result,
# #of rows equal to the number of responses
# 3 columns for Spanish, Both of them, and English.
# 2. for each response on strsplit(response, "\r\n") and extra spaces removed.
# 2.1. for each line, split it into parts using strsplit(line, " "), and
# extract the option (A, B, or C) and the value.
# 2.1.1. Based on the option, update the corresponding cell in the result matrix.
# 3. Print the result matrix.
Below is the sample code:
# init:
result <- matrix(0, nrow=length(responses), ncol=3)
colnames(result) <- c("Spanish", "Both of them", "English")
for (i in seq_along(responses)) {
response <- responses[i]
lines <- strsplit(response, "\r\n")[[1]]
for (line in lines) {
line <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", line) # <-- Remove extra spaces
parts <- strsplit(line, " ")[[1]]
option <- parts[1]
value <- as.numeric(parts[length(parts)])
column_name <- switch(option,
"A" = "Spanish",
"B" = "Both of them",
"C" = "English")
result[i, column_name] <- value