In GetXcontroller, I need one variable named isOK that must not be initialised, because it's used to determine the selection of a widget, and I don't want any selection when app is opened.
When the variable is initialised, I can write that
color: c.isOK.value ? AppTheme.selected: Colors.transparent
But when it's not with var isOK = Rx<Bool>;
is red underlined with the error: "The getter 'value' isn't defined for the type 'Type'".
And with var isOk = Bool().obs;
, the error is "Conditions must have a static type of 'bool'"
Have you any solution to encounter the problem. I thought about a local state variable to manage the selection and save it as global variable, but I'd like to do it with only global variable. Thanks
to use GetX Observables you need to define them as:
var isOK = true.obs;
// OR
var isOK = RxBool(true);
This will automatically give it the type of RxBool.
For your case you need to initialise your variable as RxnBool. This observable can store three values: True, False and Null. You can pass a check in your widget tree then show the desired.
You can initialise the RxnBool as:
var isOK = RxnBool(null);
Assigning the value to the variable whenever required is same as RxBool.
isOK.value = false;
isOK.value = true;
isOK.value = null;
Apart from this if you do not want to use GetX you can always use a nullable and check if value is null or not then initialise it later before use;
Bool? someVar = null;