I need to submit 100 slurm jobs they all perform the same computing but with a slight change (the only difference is the year; all files have different years). Is there a way to submit them together without writing slurm file and running separately?
For example, I have 100 python files with the name: process1.py
, process2.py
, process3.py
, ... and so on. I am looking for a way I can assign the hpc resources for all of them together, something like the below-
#SBATCH -n 2
#SBATCH -p main
#SBATCH --qos main
#SBATCH -J name
. #other SBATCH commands
python process1.py
python process2.py
python process3.py
python process4.py....
Are you looking to submit a separate job for each Python file or have all 100 files run concurrently as part of the same job?
You can always create a loop and run a Python file inside the loop:
for ((i = 1; i <= 100; i++)); do
curr_file = "process$i.py"
python curr_file
If you want to run the files in parallel and your system supports that, you can also use a slurm job array. Here's what that argument looks like:
#SBATCH --array=1-2 # where 2 is maximum job allocation