I'm trying to use Modules in my project and I made this small example to show what I'm struggling with.
Module Type A.
Parameter t : Type.
End A.
Module a : A.
Definition t := nat.
End a.
Module B.
Module Import InstanceOfA := a.
Definition x : t := 2.
Definition sum (t1 t2 : t) : nat := t1 + t2.
End B.
Which fails with:
The term "2" has type "nat" while it is expected to have type "t".
Basically, I have a Module Type with a parametrized Type and a Module that instantiates it. The Module is a specific implementation of the Module Type for naturals (hence t:=nat), so when I'm trying to use the module in a third-party module I want to talk about naturals using this instance.
In my real scenario, I have some coercions I want to get working. I know that if I use Nats in Module B the definitions from A would work fine, but what happens is that I obtain values of type t
and need to treat them as type nat
Is there any chance to "expose" the type equality from the module? I tried something like an identity function: t -> nat
in a
but it doesn't work.
Is it even possible?
Instead of Module a : A.
, which seals the module (and thus hides the definition of t
), write Module a <: A.
, which keeps a
's definition visible.